Supertackle double flashing LED strobe lights.
For viewing purposes we have enlarged the image.
Cylinder Size:
14 mm x 60 mm
.562" x 2.25"
Each unit has 2 line guides on the side of the cylinder.
The maximum mono line size is 1.2 mm or about 150 pounds.
We suggest deleting the nose bolster for rigging lures as that is a weak spot.Preparation will require a few beads 8mm or 10mm Hook type is usually an Octopus beak 9/0 to 13/0.
Another hook type is the large SS Circle hook 14/0 to 16/0A 20" spreader bar will increase the catch on halibut.
to purchase SUPERTACKLE LED'sLED's will fit inside on the following lure types:
6" Supertackle EZ Rig (tight fit)
6" Supertackle Big Eye Hoochie
7.5" Supertackle Bloody Hell Double Skirts
8" Supertackle Octo Hoochies